Monday, July 14, 2008

God Bless Russia

Sorry for the blog dumping tonight, but here is the quick and dirty lowdown on my kitchen.

During the home inspection (2006):

Clearly the last tenants had a fetish for spongepaint and pastels. They also left some lovely Faux Brick and floral wallpaper that I will spare your eyes from.

Summer 2007:
Repainting helped clean up the room, even if the rest of things were messy.

2008: I tore up the repulsive vinyl floors hoping to reveal pretty hardwoods but pretty they are not. Then I replaced the backdoor with a full-light model from the ReBuilding Center, updated the lighting and now, thanks to the Russians, the wall is gone. I can't believe how open it is and I can't wait to repaint/redecorate when it is finished!

1 comment:

Just Jenn said...

Oooo! I love the progression pictures! =)