Tuesday, October 13, 2009

For the cyber stalker in you...

In the past week I have:

1. Been found on Facebook by someone I worked with more than 10 years ago
2. Been told that my blog was found through a Google search
3. Received an email from a college friend I hadn't spoken to in years
4. Fallen on my butt, resulting in a stair-step shaped series of bruises (but that is neither here nor there).

Apparently, cyber-stalking season is here and I am flattered. I find it odd that people are interested enough to seek out my little rantings, but it's also quite nice. And a reminder that I haven't posted in ages. Here's a quick recap...

iPhone Obsession.
Birthday & Bruises on the Butt**

That's about it really, life is full of fun.

**I turned 31 last month and as part of his 3-part birthday-surprise-extravaganza, R took me to wine country for a nice weekend escape that was just what I needed. Unfortunately, a day full of booze and slippery stairs were not.

1 comment:

oregoncoastgirl said...

Oh, I forgot to tell you that I emailed your blog address to Cra|g & S@m. NOT REALLY. Let's keep this amongst ourselves.