Thursday, August 7, 2008

The deed is done...

8.28.08 is going to be a big day for me. I’m simultaneously thrilled and terrified. But mostly – relieved.

Deep, cleansing breathes.


Just Jenn said...

Holy Sh*t! YOU DID IT!
Hops around on the greener grass waiting for you to jump the fence!

PS: They're soooo screwed for FA09 FB. lol

Anonymous said...

Yikes! Congrats! We're thinking of you! What's next?
-Fancy Nancy

Jayna Shaye said...

You are the bomb, girl! Good for you...I believe congratulations are in order!

You are going to be so much happier.

Anonymous said...

Best of luck to you! I can't believe you bit the bullet and did it. It was a long time coming and I hope you find happiness with your new venture.

Veroknitka said...

When it was announced in the meeting that Kate was leaving us there was this large combined cry of disbelief and general "HOLY CRAP"! Kate, you are a true asset to the team and will be missed. Seriously though I couldn't be happier for you. Good Luck!!

sara. no h. said...

whoa! i cannot believe it! if you need any help with resumes and job search stuff i am here to help!